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To become a staff member is to be part of an important group of individuals that have many years of training and battlefield experience, to be honored and respected with prestigue. Ha! Just joking. There is no experience required, although it would help you. I would like to have everyone on the staff that submits, but that just wouldnt work.But rest asure that I'll look through and consider each profile equally. To be a staff member means to be able to make alterations and suggestions to the site, as well as help with information collecting and design. I cant even pay for my internet connection, so dont expect a paycheck from the Hive anytime soon. Your pay will be the self satisfaction that you have contributed to something on the internet, that you have helped out and made your mark.
As always, any ideas, news, pictures, and everything else that is made and posted on this site shall receive proper credit for the author.
To apply for a posistion at The Hive, Send in the requested information below to my email adress:

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Home of the Hydro